Red / Blue Colombian Tetra

The Red/Blue Colombian Tetra is a stunning and vibrant fish that will add a burst of color to any aquarium. With its vibrant red and blue hues, this fish is sure to be the center of attention in your aquatic display.

This tetra is native to the rivers and streams of Colombia, where it is admired for its striking colors and peaceful nature. It is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts due to its ease of care and compatibility with a variety of tank mates.

The Red/Blue Colombian Tetra has a slender body that showcases its brilliant colors. The top half of its body is a deep, rich red, while the bottom half is a vibrant shade of blue. This coloration is truly eye-catching and will instantly draw attention to your aquarium.

In addition to its stunning appearance, the Red/Blue Colombian Tetra is also known for its peaceful and social behavior. It is a schooling fish, which means it thrives in the company of its own kind. Keeping a group of at least six tetras will ensure that they feel safe and secure in their environment.

This tetra is also a great addition to a community tank. It is compatible with a wide variety of other fish species, including tetras, guppies, barbs, and danios. Its peaceful nature makes it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced hobbyists alike.

When it comes to tank setup, the Red/Blue Colombian Tetra is not demanding. It prefers a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots and open swimming areas. The addition of driftwood and rocks will provide the perfect environment for this fish to explore and play.

Water parameters are also important to consider when caring for the Red/Blue Colombian Tetra. It thrives in slightly acidic to neutral water, with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. The temperature should be kept between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit, and a moderate water flow is preferred.

Feeding the Red/Blue Colombian Tetra is a breeze. It is an omnivorous fish that will readily accept a variety of foods. High-quality flakes, pellets, and freeze-dried or frozen foods are all suitable options. To enhance the vibrant colors of this tetra, consider offering foods that are rich in carotenoids, such as brine shrimp or spirulina.

Breeding the Red/Blue Colombian Tetra is also possible in a home aquarium. To stimulate breeding behavior, provide the fish with a separate breeding tank that

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