Black Hawk Grain Free Chicken & Turkey Adult Cat Food 2.5kg

The Black Hawk Chicken & Turkey is perfect for all adult cats. It is a high-quality, Australian-made grain-free nutrition for grown-up cats. The Adult Cat Food category is packed with the great stuff, with 56% meat, vegetables, and pulses, and 44% legumes, fruits, and oils, in a highly delicious formula your cat will love, plus its 100% Australian made. It has 0% grains and glutens. No wheat, corn, barley, rice.

Great in vitamin B3 and B6 to aid metabolism. This Grain-Free Cat Food is a great source of zinc and iron for vitality and energy. This diet is a formula with hormone-free chicken and turkey, enhanced with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for strong muscles, healthy bones, and energy. This Dry Cat Food contains ingredients essential to the health and wellbeing of your cat.

Made with solid foods including lean meat, beet pulp, eggs, fruits and vegetables, and herbs this food is high in useful vitamins and minerals, keeping your kitty happy and healthy. It is a superior food that provides your pet's health. Our Grain-Free Chicken & Turkey Food with no grains, instead of utilizing tapioca and potato as alternative sources of carbohydrates, this highly delicious formula offers a great taste variety for cats at mealtime.


  • Weight: 2.5kg
  • Flavor: Chicken
  • Item Type: Cat Food

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