Black Hawk Grain Free Chicken Gravy Adult Cat Food

Our Grain-Free Chicken with peas & broth includes high protein elements that mimic your cat's natural need for original meat. Chicken is a part that cats naturally find delicious, plus rich gravy becomes with emu oil, pumpkin, coconut, blueberries, kelp, chondroitin & glucosamine producing a highly palatable taste that your cat will love while delivering their special nutritional needs.

Wet Cat Food includes a high real meat inclusion meaning that their natural needs as obligate carnivores are met with a natural grain-free recipe for enhanced gastrointestinal tolerance in delicate cats. A portion of Grain-Free Cat Food for adult cats, with chicken as the number 1 element. These suitable pouches can be utilized as a complete diet to improve water intake or mixed with dry food. Accommodates emu oil as a natural source of omega 3 & 6 fatty acids.

This Adult Cat Food 85g is rich, high protein, Australian-made meals prepared with healthy, holistic nutrition for your most suitable feline coat-and. With zero grains and zero fillers, all we add are flavorsome and useful herbs, vitamins, and minerals, which assure our food tastes excellent and gives complete nutrition for superior health and energy. Comprehensive and well-balanced nutrition, fulfilling all your cat's needs as the only food you want to feed, or to bring their Black Hawk dry food.


  • Weight: 85g
  • Item Type: Cat Food 

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