Scissortail Black Rasbora

The Scissortail Black Rasbora is a stunning and unique addition to any freshwater aquarium. With its sleek black body and vibrant red tail, this fish is sure to catch the eye of any fish enthusiast.

This species, also known as Rasbora trilineata, is native to the rivers and streams of Southeast Asia. It is a peaceful and social fish that thrives in a community tank with other peaceful species. They are generally peaceful and can be kept with other small, non-aggressive fish.

One of the most striking features of the Scissortail Black Rasbora is its large, forked tail. This tail resembles a pair of scissors, hence the name "scissortail." The tail is a vibrant red color, which provides a beautiful contrast to the fish's black body. The combination of black and red creates a visually stunning display in the aquarium.

This species is relatively small, reaching an average size of around 2 inches in length. This makes them suitable for smaller tanks, as they do not require a large amount of space. They are also relatively hardy and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. However, they prefer slightly acidic water with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

The Scissortail Black Rasbora is known for its active and playful nature. They are constantly on the move, exploring their environment and interacting with other fish. This makes them a great choice for aquarium owners who enjoy watching their fish in action.

In terms of diet, the Scissortail Black Rasbora is omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods. They will readily accept flake food, but it is important to supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. This will help to provide them with the necessary nutrients for optimal health and vibrant coloration.

When it comes to breeding, the Scissortail Black Rasbora is relatively easy to breed in captivity. A separate breeding tank with plants and hiding spots is recommended. The female will scatter her eggs among the plants, and the male will fertilize them. After spawning, the parents should be removed from the tank to protect the eggs from being eaten by other fish. The eggs will hatch in about 24-36 hours, and the fry will become free-swimming after a few days.

Overall, the Scissortail Black Rasbora is a beautiful and fascinating

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